Kalite Politikamız Policy
Kalite Yönetim Sistemi ile çalışanlarımız ve diğer tüm paydaşlarımızla ilişkilerimizin adalet üzerine olmasını sağlamak.
-Yerel ve uluslararası kanun, yönetmelik ve diğer mevzuatlara uymak
–Çalışanlarımızı adalet, insan onuru, iş güvenliği, işçi sağlığı ve sürekli gelişim bilinciyle milli menfaatler esaslı eğitmek
– With preventive approaches; to identify the process risks of our employees and those working in the machines and systems we produce, to initiate necessary activities, to evaluate environmental impacts, to identify occupational health and safety risks, to take necessary measures to prevent occupational accidents, occupational diseases and environmental impact accidents
– To take measures at the highest level to prevent environmental pollution and global warming by using our natural resources effectively and efficiently
– To develop our product range that respects the environment and gives confidence to its users in line with customer demands
– To provide added value to the Turkish and world economy by using all technological production and design possibilities for the wire drawing machines sector and producing high value-added products and services with reference to customer satisfaction
– Keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level
– To gain a place in the local and world market by using advanced technology in production
– Increasing product and service quality while reducing costs with the Quality Management System
– Ensuring continuous improvement